ccc logoR 400

Rates and Options:

  • General Support:
    • $30 for up to 15 minutes
    • $50 for up to 30 minutes
    • $85 for greater than 30 minutes (and each additional hour)
  • $109 for a remote PC Tune-Up
Perform Maintenance
Install updates
Adjust software
Diagnose a problem
Check backup software
...and more
Most software installations
Software support
Software customization
Improve online safety
Setup certain peripherals (camera, scanner, printer)
...and more
PC Tune-Up:
Remove Spyware

Remove Viruses
Clean-up hard drive
Fix configuration problems
Speed-up computer
Uninstall software
...and more

To start a remote support session, follow these instructions:

  1. Call us first to make the arrangement (call: 516-845-4081).
  2. Click here to setup a SCHEDULED remote session.
  3. Have your VISA, MASTERCARD or AMEX card ready; we only charge it after we fix the problem, and if we don't help you, we don't charge you!